Riding the Winds of Change

September 7, 2021

How can I teach when I regularly lose my reality anchor?

Are we in the middle of a consciousness storm? These were the questions I asked my inner wisdom as I struggled with many transition. I write in this font. My beloved wisdom responds in bold type.

Dear Beloved

As always, we are with your in your going out and in your coming in.

You are never alone.

We are always here.


Of course, you are feeling anchorless

Of course, you are feeling like a tumbleweed rolling in turbulent wind.

You as humanity have asked for a change of the projectory you were on.

This shift brings energetic shifts and changes.


You cannot reach 1000 years of peace without having everything that is not peace come up to be dealt with.

And it must come up in each person for such dramatic shift to occur.

You watch this with dismay and fear.

Not with the reverence it deserves?


It is a holy process, Beloved – a shift of consciousness that humanity is asking for.

And has asked for a thousand years.

Please say more.

Humanity is asking for a new way – an alternative to hate and horror.

Is this not a reverent moment?

It is making a choice saying we want to be different.

We don’t want to kill and hurt anymore.

Is this not magical?

Is this not a moment to be celebrated?

Millenniums of war, disrespect – dancing with power and disregard and humanity - at least portions of it – are saying enough.



Are you not saying enough?

Are you not tired of the conflict and the ravages of ill uses of power?

Of course, But I see so much entrenchment “I’m right – you’re wrong.”


You are seeing people who are angry with each other and committed to finding a different way.

I envy them in their certitude.


Well Beloved, for this shift to take place –

The certitude engages each person.

They no longer are a passive watched with their heads bent down.

They are saying no more!

Isn’t this a marvelous thing?

Yes, from that perspective, it is.


You want it to be orderly and harmonious and beautiful and easy.


Of course, I do.

When has it ever been that way?

You yourself have always thought of peace as boring and do so even now.


The Life force is powerful and creative and needs something to push against for creation to emerge.

It - The limits – of your humanness creates the ideal environment in which creation happens.

Creation is not an easy – effortless process. It is messy.

It drips.

It splatters.

It boils. It simmers.

It juices. It lays dormant.

It explodes.

It leafs out.

It flowers.
It emerges in many different ways.


You humans are afraid of your creativity for that reason – for its power seems beyond your control.

Life is not here to be controlled. Life is to be lived, to be exulted in, to be fully a apart of.

That scares me.


Of course, it scares you beloved. You dear humans try to control everything so you won’t be fearful

And you squeeze out all the aliveness of the random, the synchronicity, the beauty, the eruption of the moment because of your fear.


When you describe it that way, I see a little clearly – we really are pretty puny aren’t we humans.

You and your fellow humans just have not been able to wrap their consciousness around what it means to be alive and vital.

You wish it to be orderly and peaceful and soothing.

What is happening in your world is stretching human awareness so that it can be more inclusive of the innate nature of itself.

As it stretches and pops, of course you feel puny. Your rigidities are being made malleable.

This is not an easy process for a human to experience.

Yet this is what you have asked for and it is happening.

So, this is much bigger than me and my generation?

This is much bigger than current reality.


That is why so many of you are having trouble wrapping your understanding around what is happening.

Bigger than my current reality is terrifying.

Yes, because you fear what you cannot control.

What if, instead you were to say “OMG we are entering into one of the greatest adventures humanity has ever tried.

The outcome is unknown but Oh – what a ride it is.”

Talk about a shift in consciousness!


Beloved, you wanted to know what you should do in these times.

First – you cannot ride these currents with fear and trepidation.

Terror makes you shrink and this is a time to expand.


Even if it were a death of your planet and all species – which it is not,

Would it not make sense to be alive to the vivid end?

When you stretch yourself to ride the adventure of life with stalwart courage, intrepidness and breathtaking vividness –

Then you become one with life.

Take time Beloved – to be with that.


You are a courageous human. You do not believe that about yourself, and you are.


This is not about riding out a storm.

This is about being one with Life and allowing it to sound through your being

Without the restriction of fear of mayhem.


It requires a warrior nature, not a passive nature.

You innately know this.

Life is not small.

You beloved humans have flattened its expression because you feared for your fragile containers.

It is a flawed premise. Your bodies were built to be strong and to hold life in every cell of its being.


Beloved – it is time for a break from this session. Your consciousness is stretched enough for now.

Be of great courageousness, Beloved.

All is well

You are on purpose even in your floundering.

Find your warrior nature, Beloved.

Its adventurous spirit will set you free.

And so it is dear Beloved.

Thank you dearest all that is.